What's Happening at Spoede?

There are great things happening at Spoede!

In Language Therapy, we are using T.H.E.P.A.C.T. framework to teach vocabulary and concepts and extend comprehension and writing.
Visual Supports help the students complete tasks with independence.

In our Resource Rooms, we have Visual Supports to remind students of expectations.
We set Short Cycle goals, Class Missions and graph our data.

We also use Visual Supports to teach Social Skills.  One strategy is the Zones of Regulation.  Here you can see several examples of identifying the zones, expected behaviors and coping strategies.

 In our Communications Classroom, we are using Augmentative Communication strategies and Assistive Technology to increase vocabulary through T.H.E.P.A.C.T framework, including functional Core Words.

 We use picture exchange system to help our limited verbal children communicate with others.  We also keep IEP goals in bulleted form hanging in the room at all times, to ensure all educators are working to support our children.